Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring Break 2013, Baby!

In my life I've done some pretty fun things during Spring Break but I must say this one (doing a whole lotta nothin') just might be my favorite.  Well, I guess I shouldn't say we did nothing.  We did a whole lot of hanging out as a family...something I've waited for for years.  So yeah, I'd say we did something pretty special.  Brody and I enjoyed Daddy being able to spend the whole week with us! 

So we did a whole heck of a lot of this...

Brody did a little more of this...

And a lot more of this...

We also thoroughly enjoyed a bit of this (well, a lot of being outside...a little of the swing)...

But because boys will be boys they did do a teeny tiny bit of this...(TV watching in case you thought they were pondering how to solve the problem of world peace)

And because I am a freak (and while daddy was home) I enjoyed re-organizing Brody's closet with the next size clothes like this...

And the parents also got out for a little date and I got to do this (first margarita in a year and a half!)! 

And because he is an amazing husband, Greg helped me do this...

Brody got a package in the mail like this...

And for St. Patrick's Day we got green lemonade from Chick-fil-a and it looked like this...

So yeah, all in all we had a great Spring Break!  Already looking forward to summer when Greg can be home again!

1 comment:

  1. Awww....I remember your first spring break to Katy, Tx with Laurie and Nicole!!! So glad this one was with your special sweet family! My grandson is sooo adorable. Love the pictures! Love you!!
