Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Festive Easter

Easter was a few weeks ago (the last weekend in March), but I haven't gotten around to posting about it until now.  The Wilson clan was able to come for the weekend which made our Easter very festive.  Easter is not all about eggs, however we did have some fun that revolved around this item.  The Wilsons got in late Thursday night.  So the next morning when Brody woke up was the first time he has seen them since they got there.  It was so precious...all four of the Wilson's on the floor in Brody's room and Brody was just staring at them.  If he could talk I imagine he would have said, "This is so not my norm".  At least that's what his face was saying.  It didn't take long though for him to warm up to his Aunt Sarah, Uncle Marc and big girl cousins Maren & Kennedy.  We had a great time dying Easter eggs, hunting Easter eggs, eating out, watching movies, playing games and even doing some shopping.  And on Easter Sunday we all went to church to celebrate our Risen Lord!  A great weekend!  As per usual, the weekend comes and goes so fast and I don't take near as many pictures as I want to or as I should, but here are the ones I did take.  And special thanks to Uncle Marc who took a few on his phone!  Oh, and my favorite quote from the weekend was from Aunt Sarah.  "I just can't get enough of his sweetness" in regards to her Birthday Buddy Little Bear.  Love that Aunt Sarah loves little man.

Love the way he already admires his big cousin.

Torturing him already?

One cool dudette.

The Wilsons literally bring down the house when they visit
Aunt Emily & Uncle Greg.

Thankfully we got one picture of some of our eggs.
Easter egg hunt.
Game face.
Brody sat in a high chair for the first time.  Lasted only
a few minutes, but worth noting.
A lady at church asked Sarah if we were twins.  I made Marc
take this picture to see how much we looked alike.  Sisters, yes.  Twins?
Not so much.

Sweet cousins.  Missing Baby Gray!

My little family on our first Easter Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. all the pics...I think you did great! Love the cousins pic, my new screen saver. Really good picture of your family, too! Thanks for the sweet post! Love and missing you.
