Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Three Ps

Brody & I have a lot of good days. In fact, I would say almost everyday is a good day, but some of our good days have bad moments. Proof is yesterday afternoon. Brody woke up from his afternoon nap and ate. I waited a little bit and then put him in his bouncer. I wanted to make dressing for salad that was going to be part of our dinner. I was in the kitchen and was able to do that while watching Brody. He was bouncing, playing and seemed pretty happy. I finished making the salad dressing and cleaning up when he started to get a little fussy. I was literally washing the last dish and really wanted to finish, but he was not happy. I figured he was just tired, so I was talking sweet to him, telling him I would come get him in just a minute. When I get over to him, I realize he had Puked and then I realize he has Pooped. Now, I could tell his shirt was wet from the kitchen, but I assumed it was drool because 1) his shirt is usually wet from drool and 2) he usually doesn't spit up. As for the is unfortunate but VERY common for Brody to have blow outs. It's a total bummer, but we've tried different types of diapers and that didn't help. We use Pampers which are supposedly the best, especially for boys. Not so much for our little man. Any and all suggestions welcomed but yes, we do a size bigger. Anyway, so looking at Brody, I feel terrible that he is cover in Puke AND Poop. It's bad. Very. Very. Bad. I take him upstairs and don't really know where to begin, but being the germ-a-phobe that I am know one thing is for sure...this little baby is getting a bath. As carefully as possible I get the soiled clothes off and go to start the bath. When I return, he has Peed everywhere. I mean evverrywhere. I stick him in the bath and at this point he is happy as a little clam and totally unaware of the wake of devastation he had left in his path. I'm not even sure if I cleaned everything that the pee touched, but I did the best I could. We play for a little bit longer and then I lay him down for his late afternoon cat nap. I could tell he was pretty tired, but fighting it. He cried for several minutes. However, the minute he fell asleep was the exact minute Greg walked through the door wondering how our day had been. And that is how the cookie crumbles! I was ridiculously close to taking pictures of the disgusting mess for proof as to how bad it was, but decided to spare you. You'll just have to trust me. Instead I'll give you a picture of the calm before the storm. Little man taking his afternoon nap in his FSU shirt. I LOVE how it looks like he's saying the field goal or extra point is good!

1 comment:

  1. Mama said there would be days like this!!!
    Sorry, honey. I know that is your worst nightmare! But worse would be twins having the same afternoon and only one mommy. Love you dear and love little bear, kiss him for us.
